Description: Fault types:Fault—Displacement unknown; dotted where concealedNormal fault—Dotted where concealed; ball and bar on downthrown blockThrust fault-Dotted where concealed; sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate
Service Item Id: 35097642b268491f83a7b652e796b299
Copyright Text: David Love, Anne Coe Christiansen: original scribe sheets. Pat Stamile, USGS; Chris Arneson and Laisan Serebryakov, WWRC: digitized faults.
Description: This data set was updated in 2014 by the Wyoming State Geological Survey. Polygons were merged, description information was completed, and geologic units were converted to representations to retain unit colors and patterns.The geologic map was digitized by Green, G.N., and Drouillard, P.H., 1994, from original scribe sheets used to prepare the published 1:500,000-scale Geologic Map of Wyoming (Love and Christiansen, 1985). Stable base contact prints of the scribe sheets were scanned on a Tektronix 4991 digital scanner. The scanner automatically converts the scanned image to an ASCII vector format. These vectors were transferred to a VAX minicomputer, where they were loaded into Arc/Info. The dataset includes both linear and polygon features, with attributes derived from the original 1985 map. Original images (Map, Legend, and Sources): data set available for download through the WSGS web site: or WyGISC GeoLibrary : DATA INFORMATION:GEOLOGIC SYMBOLOGY (FGDCGeoAge font used for labeling Special Characters in SYMBOL field):Mz = MesozoicPz = PaleozoicK = Cretaceous^ = TriassicIP = Pennsylvanian_ = Cambrian< = ProterozoicY = Middle ProterozoicX = Early ProterozoicW = Late ArcheanV = Middle ArcheanU = Early ArcheanFOOTNOTES (fn):1. Query indicates uncertainty of position of top of unit within the Pleistocene.2. Age of upper parts of uppermost Miocene units is problematic. These parts have historically been assigned to the Pliocene. Successive reductions in radiometric age of the top of the Miocene in Europe to 7 Ma (Lambert, 1971) and to 5 Ma (Berggren, 1972) place a Pliocene age in question, although the top beds of the formations have not been dated.3. Karlstrom and others (1983).4. Divis (1976).5. Houston and others (1968).6. Snyder (1980).7. McCallum (1968).
Service Item Id: 35097642b268491f83a7b652e796b299
Copyright Text: WSGS update in 2014. Gregory N. Green, and Patricia H. Drouillard digitized the Geologic Map of Wyoming in 1994. Pat Stamile of the USGS and Chris Arneson and Laisan Serebryakov of the University of Wyoming Water Resources Center provided digital review. Original Geologic Map of Wyoming, Love and Christiansen, 1985.